
Help with Webcollect

On this page you will find help on how to use a package called Webcollect. This is a package that the Club uses for membership administration, subscriptions, event management and even the sale of club merchandise, albeit only for ordering. New members or those who have not used Webcollect for some time, are encouraged to download our ECSC Welcome Pack which gives a quick overview of Webcollect.

If you can’t find the help you are looking for, please send a message to the Webmaster.

What is Webcollect?

This is a package we use for club administration. It is not customised specifically for our use so it can feel a little awkward to use at times. We pay annually for using Webcollect based on the number of members we have. Adding features to Webcollect is difficult or impossible. We therefore have to do things in a way that suits the package rather than the way we might wish to use it.

What do we use Webcollect for?

Member Details

When a person wishes to become a club member, we start by adding their basic personal information into Webcollect. This includes their titles, name, address, DOB, etc. We then need to choose a suitable membership subscription type e.g. individual member, family member, senior or junior member. This results in a email being sent to the new member with instructions on how to pay their membership subscription. As Webcollect is tied to our banking system, when a bill is paid it automatically updates the status of that bill to “paid” in Webcollect. Once a member has paid their bill, they may then login to Webcollect to maintain their own details e.g. update their phone number, change address, etc.


This is a bit obscure! For historical reasons, and the limitations of Webcollect, all merchandise is to be found under Events (you will also find a link to merchandise under Future Events on the bottom righthand side of every web page). Whilst it is possible to order merchandise (like flags, hats, bergees, etc.) it isn’t possible to actually buy it online as you might from Amazon. Instead, someone picks up your “order” and manually processes your request for a given item. One day, we have a better system but for now… Click here to order merchandise.

Boat and Insurance Details

Once a member has paid their subscription, they are entitled to make full use of the club including storing boats, dinghies and equipment at the club. All boat details, including insurance details, are stored against a member in Webcollect. Members are expected to keep their insurance details up to date in Webcollect.


Our subscription year runs from 1st January to 31st December. All subscriptions are created and renewed online using Webcollect – we are not in the habit of sending out paper-based invoices as it is too costly. Members are expected to renew their subscriptions by themselves using Webcollect before the end of the calendar year. Failure to do this can result in memberships being cancelled or members having to reapply for membership including paying a new joining fee. You have been warned!

Getting more help

We appreciate that many members experience difficulties using computers; we are always willing to help provided we know you need it. If ever you need help, please ask any committee member and or send a message to the Secretary.