Club Officials 2024
- President (Tony Cole)
- Vice Presidents (Alan Blenkinsop, Paul Denham)
- Commodore (Peter Ball)
- Vice Commodore House (Richard Davis)
- Rear Commodore Social (Pete Badham)
- Rear Commodore Sailing (John Barnes)
- Rear Commodore Stores (Bob Spendley)
- Treasurer (John Urry)
- Rear Commodore Motor Boats and Fishing (Mike Harvey)
- Health and Safety (Jon Knott)
- Honorary Treasurer (Chris Kershaw)
- Membership Secretary (James Loosemore)
- Webmaster (Graham Stone)
- General Committee Members (Paul Hippolite, Adam James, Mick Hockin and Graham Tracey).
Click here to see pictures of committee members.
- Rebecca Buchanan
- Alan Blenkinsopp
- Graham Tracey
Commodore’s and General Committee Documents, Roles & Responsibilities
We are in the process of updating the Roles and Responsibilities of the committee. This is the first time for many years that this has been attempted and is still a work in progress. Feel free to review the latest version of Committee Roles & Responsibilities here. If you have any queries, do let us know.