
Accessing our WebCams

The club currently has 2 HD CCTV cameras (more to be installed soon) that look out over the river, the moorings and the pontoon. These allow one to see most the mooring and the state of the tide. In order to see images from the cameras, you will need to download and set up some software either on a smartphone or PC/Mac (unfortunately, it has not proved to be simple/cheap option to embed these images, as a normal webcam, on our website so this is the only option open to us at this time).

Setup instructions for viewing video from ECSC CCTV

There are two CCTV cameras fixed to the end of the Clubhouse looking over the moorings and river.  They can be accessed on a mobile phone or PC using Wifi or data from anywhere in the world.

Setting up the apps to do this is very simple. To access the cameras you will need to download the Bascom app on your mobile or the equivalent software to install on a PC/Mac. Links to all necessary software can be found here.

Once installed you will need to find the option to add a device or manually add a device. When you find this option, enter the following setup values (all case sensitive):

IP Adress/ID: BSC2107000357726

Client Port: 9000

User Name: Members

Password: ECSC47210

It sometimes takes a few minutes for the images to appear.
PLEASE NOTE: Although it might appear that there is an audio option with these cameras, this is NOT enabled in any of the cameras.

If you have any difficulties, please contact the webmaster.